
The Essence of Yah Ministries endeavors to explore and share genuine truth of the scriptures for understanding and clarity. We also aim to discover the Heart of Yah for His People. TEOYM hopes you will enjoy the journey of learning with us!

Who is Christina Thoma?


I am a founder and president of this ministry, blessed by Yah and His Spirit.  This ministry is my great passion.  I love the Creator of Heavens and Earth, whose Name is Yahawah.  Yah is shortened for Yahawah.  

I do not carry any title or ranks.  I honor and believe in the scripture, Matthew 23:8-10, that says “But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi,’ for One is your Teacher, the Messiah, and you are all brothers (and sisters).  And do not call anyone on earth your father, for One is your Father, He who is in the heavens.  Neither be called leaders, for One is your Leader, the Messiah.”

  • Rabbi is Hebrew for Teacher
    • Hebrew pronunciation is “rawb-bee”
Presently, TEOYM is an online ministry, launched in 2023.  Yah has provided a vision within my spirit regarding the ministry, and I am eagerly anticipating its expansion.  I believe together we will find this ministry beneficial for our knowledge, understanding, and growth.  Most importantly, growing closer to Yah!

My Background

Growing up, I was raised from a dysfunctional family and grew up as a loner.  Depression was the stronghold in my life.  It deprived me many things.  The root of my depression was very deep, and didn't think I would ever escape from it.  

I felt like Job in the Bible, where he lost everything and found himself alone and didn't understand why life was harsh with him.  His depression grew heavy over time that no one was able to recognize him.  He wanted to die.  When he had an encounter with Yah about his life, he grew in the knowledge and understanding with Yah.  His faith was stretched during his trials, and at the end, he received a double portion of everything he had lost.

My life was like his, and was on a very long road of loneliness and coping until I grew with Yah and His Word.  I am happily to announce He has delivered me from my strong barrier of depression that I never thought possible to break through.  He made a way of escape for me through His love, patience, mercy, and compassion.

Yah is definitely our Hope.


There was a purpose of my life.  Without my struggles and trials, I would not have a ministry.  Romans 8:28 — And we know that all matters work together for good to those who love Elohim, to those who are called according to His purpose.  (Elohim means Father or Supreme Being)

Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I am planning for you,” declares יהוה, “plans of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and an expectancy.”

My struggles and trials led me to the truth that has set me free.  They strengthened my knowledge and understanding.  My old life passed away, and now my new life has begun in Yah!

Religion Background

I grew up as a Protestant.  My parents and I went to various churches.  Then later in life, they stopped going to church.  There was a long gap before I found my first church home.  As soon as I received my driver's license, I searched for my first church home, and had joined three ministries during many years.  I departed from my last church home to recuperate from my deep wounds and depression, which was affecting my health.  Then Yah began to minister to me since.  And now, I have a ministry to run for Him.

My heritage

I was born as a Gentile and raised as a Christian.  Now that I serve Yah, who is the Father of the Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews, I am adopted into the family of Yah by Spirit, which makes me a Spiritual Jew or Jew by Spirit.  Yah's Son, Yahawash (Jesus) is the King of the Jews, not Greeks or Christians, etc.

I explained more in detail on my TEOYM website:

It is my prayer and hope that we will grow together in journey with TEOYM!

In His Love,

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For the Joy of Yahawah is Your Strength - Defined

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