
The Essence of Yah Ministries endeavors to explore and share genuine truth of the scriptures for understanding and clarity. We also aim to discover the Heart of Yah for His People. TEOYM hopes you will enjoy the journey of learning with us!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

For the Joy of Yahawah is Your Strength - Defined

Nehemiah 8:10b

“for the joy of יהוה is your strength”

In chapter 8 of Nehemiah, the leaders read the Torah to Yah’s people.

Nehemiah 8:8

And they read in the Book of the Torah of Elohim, translating to give the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.

His people wept when they heard the Word of Yah’s Torah.

Nehemiah 8:9

And Neḥemyah, who was the governor, and Ezra the priest, the scribe, and the Lĕwites who taught the people said to all the people, “This day is set-apart to יהוה your Elohim. Do not mourn or weep.” For all the people wept when they heard the words of the Torah.

Nehemiah and the Levites comforted the people.

Nehemiah 8:8-12

Then he said to them, “Go, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom none is prepared. For this day is set-apart to our יהוה. Do not be sad, for the joy of יהוה is your strength.” And the Lĕwites were silencing all the people, saying, “Hush, for the day is set-apart, do not be sad.” And all the people went to eat and to drink, and to send portions and make a great rejoicing, because they understood the words that were made known to them.

"For the joy of YHWH is your strength" is a misunderstood scripture by many people today. Let's look at the definition for joy and strength from Hebrew.

The Hebrew noun for joy is chedvah (khed-vaw') means joy or gladness.

The Hebrew noun for strength is maoz (maw-oze') means a place or means of safety, protection. It also means refuge and shelter.

English definition of refuge: a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble.

Let's break it down with the scripture, per Hebrew Interlinear:

For the gladness/joy of Yahawah, He is your place of safety/protection/refuge.

Yahawah did not want His people to be swallowed up in deep sorrow after their repentance. Yah's Spirit alerted His leaders to comfort the people. They encouraged His people that Yah is joyful to be their refuge, sheltering them from danger. He did not want His people to perish, and He helped them understand His Torah through His leaders. His Torah protects His people from the danger of hell and keeps them on a right track with Him. His Torah, which is the teaching from the love of His Heart, is their protection for their soul and life, which is why Yahawah is filled with joy when His people obey His Word or repent from their sins and turn back to Him.

Many people used this scripture in delusion, when they say their strength is their joy in Yah. How can Yah be their refuge when they are disobedience or do not follow His Torah? They can strengthen themselves with joy all they want, but disobedience will lead them nowhere but hell. He is not joyful with the disobedience and unrepentant of His people.

Yah's Divine Word: Repent, for My Kingdom is coming near. Understand and follow My Torah.

Torah means His instructions and teachings. It also includes His commands, precepts, and statutes.

We can see that we cannot rely on the translator of the Holy Bible. An in-depth study from the original language is a must.

All scriptures are from ISR (Institute for Scripture Research), otherwise stated.

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For the Joy of Yahawah is Your Strength - Defined

Nehemiah 8:10b “for the joy of יהוה is your strength” In chapter 8 of Nehemiah, the leaders read the Torah to Yah’s people. Nehemiah 8:8 And...