
The Essence of Yah Ministries endeavors to explore and share genuine truth of the scriptures for understanding and clarity. We also aim to discover the Heart of Yah for His People. TEOYM hopes you will enjoy the journey of learning with us!


The Essence of Yah Ministries (TEOYM) endeavors to search the truth and understanding of Yah's Word.  We believe in in-depth study of His Word, and also search the history and background to understand His scriptures more clearly.  Some scriptures are difficult to understand, and TEOYM is here to help bring clarity.

TEOYM recognized that we cannot trust the translators of the Holy Bible.  An in-depth study from the original language is imperative, which is Hebrew and Greek.  The wordings translators use can be misleading and misinterpreted.  They conformed the scriptures into their understandings and belief, which causes many deceptions to sprout.  It causes many churches and ministries to teach and believe in error.  A thorough study helps us understand the goals of writers' writings and hearing the voice of Yah through them.  

TEOYM loves Yah and respect His Set-apart Word.  For in His Word is the understanding of righteousness and wisdom.  Yah created us and gives us His manual (Scriptures) for healthy and prosperous living.  When we obey His Word, His blessings will rain upon us.  Otherwise, when we disobey, calamity falls on us.  We don't realize that it is our disobedience that causes us to live in a fallen world or situation.  Yah will not bless those who disobey His Torah.

Torah means teachings or instructions.  We misunderstand His Torah, which is why Yah sent His Son, Yahawash, to promote the teachings of the Torah.  Yahawash came to put His people on a right track with Yah.  He also came to be an atoning sacrifice for us, because of our sins.  His death on the stake cancelled our death certificate of debt that Yah's law commands so that we may have eternal life with Yah.  However, we still have to obey His Torah.  The Torah was not cancelled, in which many believe it was.  TEOYM is here to bring back the Torah and to promote the understanding of it. 

We believe:

  • Yah is our Creator of the Heavens and Earth.  He created us to be made in His image or the likeness of His image.
  • Yah sent His Son, Yahawash, to save us
  • Yah gives us His Spirit to live His Torah
  • We are saved through His Name, Yahawah
The more we learn about the truth of His Word, the closer we will be to His heart!

TEOYM cares for every soul.  And so does Yah.  We are here to bring a lamp for your feet and a light for your path.  It is our prayers that you will see genuine truth and save you from hell, eternal punishment.  TEOYM and Yah wishes no one to perish.  May you find your treasures from Heaven through TEOYM.

In Yah's love,
Christina & TEOYM

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For the Joy of Yahawah is Your Strength - Defined

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